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Today I pulled The Sun from my tarot deck, a card I’ve been trying to manifest and it showed up today. A perfect day for it — sunny and filled with small joys. Like the Monthly Forecast Circle by friend Jenna hosted this morning — reflecting on all that happened in May and looking ahead to June. My intention for the week: Make Space.

My mom and I spent the rest of the day together — starting with lunch at Door County Coffee. It’s so nice to comfortably eat outside in the sun again. Then we spent time clearing out my kitchen cabinets. I hoard half-finished bags of chips and boxes of crackers . . . check expiration dates on my sparse spice rack about once every four years.

After my kitchen felt refreshed, we went uptown and walked out on the dock at the marina and then down Whitecliff Road. Then a quick grocery run, including grabbing a couple of beers to enjoy on the beach at Troup Park. It really was perfect, clear sky weather today. We took off our shoes to bury our feet in the sand.

Back home we did a drive-by to my neighborhood pool party that opens the summer season before playing a couple of rounds of cribbage while eating pizza at my place.

Tonight I wound down with a bath and a funny podcast.

The Sun, indeed. It felt like summer. And on a three-day weekend, it felt like there was plenty of time to leisurely fill up the day and enjoy each other’s company. Here’s to the small joys that make up a beautiful life.

With Love,


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