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Okay, blog writing after NaNoWriMo writing may get a little exhausting. But we persevere. I got in 1,950 words tonight.

This is definitely a trash draft but for fun here are five random sentences I pulled out skimming the two scenes I wrote tonight. It’s fun to document lines that will probably get changed or deleted later, but why not share a taste? Maybe someday I can share the new beautifully polished versions of these lines and scenes. But NaNoWriMo isn’t about editing, it’s about writing and not looking back.

  1. He raps the red and gold tin sign posted above the pump: Friendliest Service In All of Wisconsin!
  2. After toasting cheese sandwiches over a burner for two days while I watched Cat enjoy his store-bought food, I went looking for my own work. 
  3. It’s possible that the fellow I’m replacing, the one who used the pumps as hat racks, was a friend of Bo’s and he holds it against me.
  4. My whole body tightens at that and Cat leaps out of my arms with a bite for good measure.
  5. For a moment, he grows bigger in my vision. I’m five years old again. He’s got beer on his breath. Mom’s words get real soft in their bedroom when he is being too loud. He hurls a swear word at Jules that makes Jules go silent through dinner. This is my father and Jules was right. I’m better off without him. 

With Love,