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If the earth stopped spinning
All at once
1,000 mph to zero
In under sixty seconds
The rotations would stop
But the oceans would not
Imagine, all the water
1,000 mph across the planet
The rotations would stop
But the atmosphere would not
It’d scorch every landscape

If the earth stopped spinning
Slowly . . . slowly . . . until it was frozen
Most of us would still be fucked
There’d still be earthquakes
And volcanoes
And the oceans would sink towards the poles
So that there’d be one small continent around the ring of the earth
There — there’d be a few spots you could survive
Cold water marine life would thrive in this world
Can you imagine

It’ll happen eventually
— that’s what the article says
Like there’s only so much juice
In our hamster wheel
Even the earth will get tired
Of always having somewhere to be
And slow down, down, down
It’ll take billions of years, they say
So don’t worry about it

I don’t worry about it
But can you imagine
A whole planet
1,000 mph to zero
In under sixty seconds

What creature will witness this?
Will anyone?

With Love,