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I was trying to think about my deuteragonist’s character arc and motivations tonight. We don’t get his direct perspective in the story and I need him to shine through a little brighter.

So I pulled a tarot spread for him to see if it could inspire anything. It was strangely effective and accurate, much more so than the cards I’ve been pulling for myself lately (or perhaps it’s just easier to interpret for fictional characters than for myself).

To me, the oversimplified story of the cards told for my character:

The Ace Of Pentances — a new opportunity

The Lovers — the opportunity becomes a love story, but one with conflict between desire and morality

The Moon — the worst happens leaving them uncertain and fearful

The Star — they find a way to heal

I’m not a great tarot reader so I’m sure my interpretations are rudimentary (or just wrong), but for the purpose of a writing/character exercise it definitely sparked my imagination and helped clarify some things.

I only clocked in at 1,080 words today, a little before the daily goal. I got another COVID booster this morning and am feeling the symptoms tonight so I think that’s all my brain will allow. Luckily, I got ahead on writing this weekend so I’m still ahead of schedule for the month.

From the “This Might Hurt” tarot deck

With Love,