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I am not in the path of totality. I didn’t even get eclipse glasses. I have thought little about the energy an eclipse could bring.

But then today I go for a walk in the sun, slowly being covered. Moving and being in my body and texting my friend and trying to soak up the energy.

New beginnings. Clashings of worlds. Change. For the better. For the better.

I mark the peak on my calendar and step away from my desk ten minutes before. It’s cloudy, so I go back inside. Five minutes before. Still cloudy. At the peak I go on my balcony, ready to look up at the cloudy sky and immediately I see a perfect image of the eclipse, shaded just enough by clouds that I can look at it straight on without any protection. It’s there for a heartbeat. Two. And I didn’t expect it so I sink to my knees. I feel like crying.

I stay outside for a couple of minutes. I get another few glances at the wonder before the heavy cloud cover sets in and stays.

It was such an unexpected gift today. New beginnings. Clashings of worlds. Change for the better, I hope.

Happy Solar Eclipse Day.

With Love,
