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Today’s day had a symmetry to it — a short shopping trip uptown this morning and then clearing out my closet this afternoon.

A couple of new pieces for summer from Blacksmith and Spot and two 13-gallon trash bags full of donations for Goodwill. It’s amazing the things I’ve hung onto that I don’t wear anymore. Things that are damaged or don’t fit or just aren’t to my taste like they used to be. A good closet cleanout, something I do about once a year, feels extremely cleansing.

That was my intention for the week: Make Space. And I’m making space — in my kitchen cabinets and now in my bedroom closet.

Unlike yesterday, sunny and beautiful, it’s a good day for projects like that. Cloudy all day and rainy this evening. I got outside for a walk but otherwise, I’ve tended to my home more today. Doing chores while I listen to a funny podcast is truly relaxing for me — it feels like a treat to myself to get to listen to something that makes me laugh for hours.

I think my spring cleaning is coming to a close, though there are always pockets of the house to sort through. Having tomorrow off for Memorial Day is doing wonders for my mental health this weekend — experiencing a Sunday without the Sunday Scaries? I wish all Sundays felt like this (even though I did do two hours of work early this morning).

With Love,
