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In response to heartbreak, here’s what I turn to:
A best friend who shares her life with me
A glass of red wine, or two, Mondays be damned
A candle, blue and yellow, burning on the table
The gratitude for what I have, my family, my home, my cats, my job
That feeling I have when I dance in the living room to a new song
That knowing I have inside myself that tells me who I am
That who I am is someone I’d like to spend a life with
Even when my heart breaks and the news is hard
And people are lost too soon–it’s so unfair
I do not believe gratitude is the only antidote to pain
But it is a medicine we can make ourselves
So this, another list, another reminder
For how lucky I have been to have quiet nights naming stars
And quiet mornings tucked under the covers
And routine dinners and routine days
And the conversations that repeat and go in circles
With the same sage people I adore
My heart breaks and keeps beating
And beating and beating and beating
What a miracle

With Love,
