So many people don’t make time for the things they love to do. Leah tells me that. She works at the Writing Center where I […]
I’m Grateful
I’m grateful for the pages turned — as fast as I can and then slowly, to digest it all. A string of good books. I’m […]
What sound does a frog make?
A family walkDad says: Do you hear the frogs?He mimics: tweet tweet With Love, Natalie
If the earth stopped spinning
If the earth stopped spinningAll at once1,000 mph to zeroIn under sixty secondsThe rotations would stopBut the oceans would notImagine, all the water1,000 mph across […]
Writing Update: Optimistic
I’m a little behind my goal (time well traded to spend with my BFF this weekend), but I’m still feeling optimistic about getting the word […]
A Monday Off
Zia and I both had Monday off today before we go back to remote work tomorrow. We packed as much in as possible — and […]
Fish Boil
It’s been at least two decades since I’ve been to a Fish Boil, but Zia and I went to one tonight in Ephriam. It was […]
Zia’s Here!
My best friend, Zia It’s been two years since we hugged Today: reunion There is nothing like An old friend who’s a good friend Talking […]
This pace: is it slow?Or is it normal? How canI tell? Fifth gear, locked There is space todayTo think, construct, make a listSix things, cross […]
Albrecht Dürer
After an evening session of writing, I pull an Art Oracle card from the deck on my desk. It’s an oracle deck with famous historical […]