If the earth stopped spinningAll at once1,000 mph to zeroIn under sixty secondsThe rotations would stopBut the oceans would notImagine, all the water1,000 mph across […]
Writing Update: Optimistic
I’m a little behind my goal (time well traded to spend with my BFF this weekend), but I’m still feeling optimistic about getting the word […]
A Monday Off
Zia and I both had Monday off today before we go back to remote work tomorrow. We packed as much in as possible — and […]
Fish Boil
It’s been at least two decades since I’ve been to a Fish Boil, but Zia and I went to one tonight in Ephriam. It was […]
Zia’s Here!
My best friend, Zia It’s been two years since we hugged Today: reunion There is nothing like An old friend who’s a good friend Talking […]
This pace: is it slow?Or is it normal? How canI tell? Fifth gear, locked There is space todayTo think, construct, make a listSix things, cross […]
Albrecht Dürer
After an evening session of writing, I pull an Art Oracle card from the deck on my desk. It’s an oracle deck with famous historical […]
I look up the dates for mercury in retrogradeA phenomenon I don’t really believe inBut I’m searching for an explanationTo why what was easy is […]
Writing Update: Drama
I had fewer writing nights in the past week, but thanks to a productive Saturday at the Writing Center I didn’t miss my word count […]
Twenty Nine
Today twenty-nine looks like: The morning reading in bed The new t-shirt “Keep Calm & Write On” The passenger seat all the way up the […]