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The series finale of Young Royals aired today on Netflix. I’ve been counting down to this final season for months. After the first five episodes of the final season dropped last Monday, and I promptly watched them all that night, I had a full week to wait for the finale. It was worth it.

I adore this show. It’s one of the perfect tropes for me — sad royal teenage prince falls in love with a local scholarship boy while they’re at boarding school. Yes, please. Watch the Season One Trailer Here.

Without (hopefully) spoiling anything, the season finale had me on the edge of my seat, half in tears. The ending filled me up — just what I wanted.

I remember the first time I watched this show, only the first season was out at the time, I loved it but also didn’t know if I’d be able to rewatch some parts. Teenage drama galore . . . which isn’t always my cup of tea. But I was wrong. I want to rewatch this all the time and have seen the first couple of seasons multiple times at this point. For all the teenage messiness, there’s something genuine about the relationships that I don’t always see in American shows (this show is Swedish, by the way, I watch with the English subs). It feels more down to earth, more human.

Plus, the music is gorgeous. Here’s a song one of the main characters (Simon) sings in the second season.

I am going to go be in my feelings about this for a while.

With Love,
