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I had a mentor tell me once to listen to my intuition, especially while I was learning or encountering situations new to me. That when something gave me pause, I should take a real pause. That I would feel it in my body before my mind knew what was off and I should follow that feeling enough to ask questions and ask for an outside perspective.

It was good advice. I had something like that happen this week where I made a decision that felt right at the time but then something was nagging at me. There was no real reason for me to revisit it — no outside pressure — other than this tug in my mind. I ran over it again and again until I really starting thinking about it. I slowed down and tried to articulate to myself what I was feeling. I questioned the decision I made and thought about decisions I could make instead. I voiced it out loud to get some outside perspective (in this case, to my mom) and then started taking action to advocate for a different path.

It was a good reminder to myself to listen to what my gut is trying to say. As well as a good reminder to slow down with some of the choices I make and ask more questions upfront so I don’t have to go down this winding path in the first place.

Paying that forward today: if something feels like a yellow light, it probably is. Slow down, ask questions, get outside perspective.

With Love,
