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A week into revisions and 22K through my “real first draft”. All I want to do is write, write, write.

I’m feeling grateful to have writing partners who are helping me workshop as I go and get past some sticky moments. This evening I went through a scene I had so much trouble with in the first draft and I think it’s much better now. It took talking with my friend to realize I didn’t hate the whole scene — I actually liked most of the scene I just didn’t like one specific part. Which could be taken out. Problem solved.

On track for my writing timeline for the moment — we’ll see if I can keep up the pace.

Here’s are my last sentences written from this past week:

  • 8/4: She did and I had my fingers crossed. 
  • 8/5: Bring home cheese curds. 
  • 8/6: The next hour passes in an agitated blur. 
  • 8/7: I can still taste the blood on the back of my teeth. 
  • 8/8: I needed to record some new ones. 
  • 8/9: We will test you on it. 
  • 8/10: I’ll see her in the morning where we can get back to what matters most to both of us: running. 

With Love,