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The other night while fighting my weekly Sunday battle to fall asleep I turned over suddenly and flipped on my light. Grabbing my notebook that’s never far out of reach from my bed (this time, actually on my bed anyway) I messily scribbled the thoughts that were dropping into my head about this new story that I’ve been wrestling with for the past few weeks.

And by wrestling, I mean begging to please solidify into a semi-writable thing before I lose my mind and just hopelessly write scenes for Jack forever because he’s the only character I’ll ever understand. It’s been a tad dramatic.

But I think that late-night scribble is going to give me something real to start with instead of being in the weird phase of “here’s a character I like” but not even knowing what world she belongs in. Okay, spoiler alert: I am committed to writing a female bisexual main character. It just, needs to happen? For my soul.

I am also committed to posting my last sentences written every week. This accountability trick worked pretty well for me in 2019, so I’ll do my best to keep it up.

That said, these sentences aren’t very grounded yet . . . just playing around with images and dialogue as I try to get a grip on a new project.

Last sentences written this past week:

  • 12/31: Come on, onward. 
  • 1/1: He pinched her bicep teasingly. 
  • 1/2: Green rounded leaves flecked with yellow and pink. 
  • 1/3: I grabbed at his wrist before he could step out of reach. 
  • 1/4: The headache was only getting worse. 
  • 1/5: But he’s my brother. 
  • 1/6: She kept scrunching the towel under her toes. 

With Love,


P.S. I titled this post “wrestling” at the end and had a whole panic of “wait, should I write a queer wrestling YA book” until I remembered I don’t know anything about wrestling but just really like sports anime.