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I already wrote about how I had a lot of fun thinking and outlining for my story on Sunday. It led to a good writing session last night that I can hopefully keep building upon. Though I still fall into that trap of wanting to edit and rewrite early scenes when the priority should just be on getting the trash draft done and fixing it later.

I know some writers successfully edit as they go, but I know I’m going to learn so much going through it and end up changing and throwing out scenes I think I need right now that lingering on them is just veiled procrastination. I’ll work on that.

Here are my last sentences written from this past week:

  • 1/5: At first I’m only thinking about how much this sucks, then I see Clarke.
  • 1/6: And then she kisses me.
  • 1/7: Water dripped from the bleachers above us.
  • 1/8: I don’t even think about it.
  • 1/9: I knocked my shoes against the cupboard.
  • 1/10: You don’t believe that.
  • 1/11: I look down at my own bare knees and hand-me-down electric blue shorts.

With Love,
