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I continue to straddle two worlds between old project and new. I got some tremendous help from friends last week on my query letter — excellent feedback and handholding that’s making me feel more prepared to send out another round of queries.

As for the new project, I’m still catching up to the accountability prompt group I’m in — I didn’t do any significant writing over the weekend — but it is helping me give more shape to my story. For example, one of the prompts was to list five significant moments in the main character’s life, with a follow-up prompt to write one out in a scene. I also love this group because Lin is in it and I get a preview into their next story.

As wrapped up as I am in running right now thinking about a cross country story is easy. It’s more a matter of narrowing down some of the ideas.

But honestly, I wish I was spending more time writing. I need to find a better routine this month since I’ve been relying on weekends and, looking out at the next three or four, that time I have blocked for library writing is already scheduled over. I need to unlock that weeknight power again.

In the meantime, here are the last sentences written from this past week:

2/25: It’s not clear on what that resolve is though until I dump a water bottle over my head and start feeling my legs again.
2/26: It’s spectacular.
2/27: It shouldn’t be as good as it is.
2/28: Don’t overuse it.
2/29: I told you not to think about that.
3/1: I dug my knuckle in deeper.
3/2: A world class one.

With Love,
