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In a good idea from my local writing accountability partner, Madeline, we picked up on our writing nights, virtual-style. We’ve met on and off for writing evenings for years now, usually at a coffee shop, and worked on our own projects for an hour or so. It’s been a spell since we’ve done one, but as we’re all navigating the bizarre uncertainty (and fear and anxiety) of the world right now + social distancing in our own homes, Madeline suggested we log a remote writing session tonight.

Thank god, because I was pretty close to breaking my writing promises. With the escalating pandemic (is anyone else still having an out of body experience even saying that word?), my “I’m going to spend so much time writing” weekend plans turned into “I’m going to watch TV, run, clean my apartment, read a little, and try to forgive myself for not being a perfect productive human being in the middle of this crisis”.

I got to work on another of the prompts I’ve been slowly going through tonight, this one around brainstorming key moments throughout the book, then I dove into writing a scene. Felt good to spend a little longer, even if it was only an hour, diving into fiction.

Madeline and I are going to keep up the virtual sessions as long as we need to — it’s a good distraction/connection/accountability right now.

Here are my last sentences from this past week:

  • 3/11: I’m gone. 
  • 3/12:  I didn’t need her to know the way: forward. 
  • 3/13: It’d be so much easier if he was a monster. 
  • 3/14: Thanks to small favors. 
  • 3/15: “Just fucking run,” CJ’s voice screams in my head. 
  • 3/16: I forgot.
  • 3/17: I thought you understood I’d never . . . I’d never even try.

With Love,
