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I used to do writing updates on Tuesday, when I was in the groove, writing a last sentence every day, drafting and revising. It’s been a spell since I’ve been in that mode but I feel closer to it than I have in a while. Do you think having a baby magically gives you more time and energy to write? No?

But I’m working on it, slowly. More plotting and researching right now but I’m playing around with snippets of scenes. Testing the voice. Seeing what comes out. I’ve always been more of pantser (vs plotter) so sometimes I learn about my story by typing on a blank page more than I do outlining.

For example, the last sentence tonight: “Vince couldn’t even fix that faulty bike chain; I didn’t want to see his hands anywhere near an engine”

I didn’t even know I had a character named Vince in the story. He just slipped out. And he might go away again by the time we’re out of snippets and into scenes. Or who knows maybe he’ll be this critical character and missing piece and everyone will rally up around this Vince fellow who’s hanging around the gas station hankering for a job. Time will tell.

With Love,
