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My brain feels full of writing again.

One half is in the query world. I shared my query letter with a couple of people and got some very helpful feedback to revise. Querying hasn’t gone anywhere in this first wave from the past month, and I’d rather get rejected off the manuscript than the query letter so I’m trying to tighten up my pitch. This is potentially (and probably) a long road, but I’ve prepped my endurance. It’s so much timing of the right agent and what they’re looking for at that moment and it has be to a little bit of a numbers game when you’re working with odds steeper than ivy league acceptance rates.

The other half is working on my new project (the queer girls in cross country one). My friend Lin looped me into an accountability group that’s working through a series of prompts to help flesh out a new story idea. It feels like a good sign that how much thinking about this new occupies my wandering mind — it was the same with Jack’s story last year.

Here are the last sentences I wrote from this past week:

  • 2/18: It doesn’t end here.
  • 2/19: When she sits up again I’m crying.
  • 2/20: “Wh—“ I start, but then she’s kissing me.
  • 2/21: Three pounds heavier.
  • 2/22: Could you call it a rivalry?
  • 2/23: He ducks his head and groans.
  • 2/24: I know what it means when his thumb strokes over my skin.

With Love,
