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My work season is busy but I’m finding time to write mainly on the weekends and one longer writing session during week (along with the mini ones that get me writing every day). I wish I had more though. Buckets of it. The whole day where all I had to do was sink into a story and fight with blank pages and words that don’t sound right. That’s the dream.

Here are my last sentences written from this past week:

  • 1/12: No time.
  • 1/13: I’m not trying to prove anything. 
  • 1/14: I even put kale in my smoothies. 
  • 1/15: You want a rematch? 
  • 1/16: As powerful as anyone could feel in a grease-stained blue apron. 
  • 1/17: “Next time waffles are on me,” I lie. 
  • 1/18: We pass CJ in the third mile — a sure sign we’re going too fast. 

With Love,
