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Last week my update was that I finished my latest revisions . . . this week my update is I have no idea what I’m doing next.

For that story it’s getting more feedback, figuring out if it’s good enough to start querying, and playing that publishing game until I have success or burn out . . . or back to revisions. As always, writing continues to oscillate wildly between “wow, look at this, fucking genius” and “I can’t believe I have let this trash out into the world.” It’s been a time.

The cure, so I’ve been told, is to just work on the next thing. But, as I also found on my last revision break, I’m having trouble getting my footing. I certainly haven’t done any long writing sessions in the last week (the stomach flu a not small part of that) but the sentences and small scenes I’m churning out I’m hoping will spark something exciting. Or maybe I should just write something painfully tropey for a spell and not worry about any long-term ambition for it. Actually that sounds fun. Like queer enemies-to-lovers fake-dating smutty blackmail tropey.

While I sort through that, here are my sentences from this past week:

  • 11/12: I give her a kiss on the cheek for good measure and she leaves laughing. 
  • 11/13: “It’s like you think you’re too good for death,” Benji answers before she can.  
  • 11/14: Why does toothpaste suck so much?
  • 11/15: Then again, everything smelled like ketchup.
  • 11/16: Benji always does this: creates mountains out of fucking sand in my shoe. 
  • 11/17: Leave it be. 
  • 11/18: He ducks his head.

With Love,
