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So far my editing approach has involved hours combing through guardianship laws applied in unique scenarios and interstate foster care processes. I’m trying to tighten up some logistics that are flimsy in my last draft, even with the research I did ahead of time.

Part of my edit plan is paying a little more attention to some backstory gaps and doing some of this research has given me a few plot footholds to go into detailed brainstorms. I’m writing in loose scenes to see if my characters can support these footholds . . . messy, trash draft worthy inner monologues and dialogue only exchanges embedded into my edit notes.

I hate this planning, editing stage until things click and then I love it and feel like the Queen of Productivity and Imagination and then I despair because my talent won’t measure up in the execution and then my brain plays tug a war for a while until I get back to work or call it a night.

Anyway, we’re moving forward. Here are my last sentences from this past week:

  • 10/8: The gun bumps against my hipbone with every step. 
  • 10/9: It’s something else. 
  • 10/10: Sometimes I dream about his funeral. 
  • 10/11: Cat always wakes me up when it gets too bad. 
  • 10/12: I don’t even know who I am. 
  • 10/13: Don’t be crazy.
  • 10/14: Take a breath. 

With Love,
