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I’m still on a writing break, but now I’m starting to work on my application materials for Pitch Wars (due the last week of the month). I drafted a very rough query this weekend and need to spend some time rewriting, editing, and getting feedback before it will be ready to go. In theory, the hardest part is writing the book. In theory, I intentionally picked a more pitchable book to write than my first manuscript. So why does writing a query still feel so hard?

I’ll also need to draft a one-page synopsis, but I’m going to do my best to not overthink that one. The prose doesn’t really matter in a synopsis — it’s only supposed to be a beat by beat of the plot (so mentors/agents can check to make sure you didn’t do something ridiculous before committing to reading your manuscript).

I’m also feeling the plot bunnies for a new story idea I had over the weekend. I’m rewatching Maggie Stiefvater’s writing seminar with this new idea in mind to slow myself down and try to flesh it out before I put words on the page.

Overall, still feeling very energized about creative fiction at the moment. And enjoying the break . . . so much more free time in the evenings . . .

With Love,
