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There was a smidge more progress made in actually putting words on the page in this past week, thanks mostly to a good writing session with Madeline where I played around with a new scene and a couple of brief times *gasp* where I wrote continuously.

I did some preliminary planning going into this story but as I write more random scenes it’s starting to feel like the time is right to spend some time outlining. Or my version of outlining which is purposefully talking out loud to myself for a while and then scribbling down some notebook notes. A few things I thought I was going to do with the story have started to change the more I think about it and I’m still pretty light on the middle of the book plot (so you know, the major part).

I’m not going to lie, it’s been tough to muster the energy in the evenings to write as I’ve diverted most of my willpower to keeping up my exercise and doing my best to focus and move things forward at work and maintain basic self-care each day. I’m just tired at night. That’s why when I have been writing I just skip to the good parts. Which is mainly a lot of running, antagonizing, trauma, and kissing scenes. So, like, that’s a book, right? What else do you need? Plot? Character development? Other fleshed out characters besides the protagonist and her rival-to-be-love-interest?

While I mull that over, here are my last sentences from this past week:

  • 5/5: No one was ever here this early.
  • 5/6: You’re supposed to do a countdown.
  • 5/7: That’s the winner’s curse.
  • 5/8: “Is that a rule?” she asks wryly. 
  • 5/9: My fingers dig in harder. 
  • 5/10: Had I misread that in middle school?
  • 5/11: When she smiles at me, I remember Matt and I want to throw up. 

With Love,
