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Writing update, Tuesday! With time away from work this past week, my brain cleared and I got some revising done. I finished my first pass at the manuscript, taking detailed notes and doing some preliminary line edits. Then I did a very helpful exercise.

A major part of this new revision is giving more time on the page to one particular character. I need to make her motivations and clearer to the reader. I’m never actually in this character’s head, but to ground myself I spent time writing a short summary of the story from her perspective. Her backstory, her anxieties, her motivations, and her reactions to my main character. I actually had a lot of fun writing it out and I think it will be extremely helpful.

Now I’m going through my notes chapter by chapter. I have a very ambitious goal to get the revision done this month, but we’ll see how it goes with work and the holidays. I’m a little behind where I thought I’d be at this point, but I’m hoping the meticulous approach I took to reading the manuscript will help me.

Happy Writing!