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You know those people who say this quarantine is the perfect time for MAX productivity. Like what will we all do with all this TIME? And my honest answer is that in some ways I’ve felt busier — certainly my work has picked up through this — and I’ve made more of an effort to stay virtually connected with friends.

But, to paraphrase a Caroline Dooner tweet (author of The F*ck It Diet): forced quarantine is not the same as rest and relaxation. It’s just not. It’s inherently stressful and I’m pulling on whatever muscle memory mindfulness techniques I have to stay content and sane. It’s working, but it has not turned me into a productivity machine.

Is this a really long build-up to why I missed my writing goal this week? Yes. Even the sentences fell off. Here’s what my week looked like:

  • 3/17: I thought you understood I’d never . . . I’d never even try.
  • 3/18:
  • 3/19: Don’t you get it? 
  • 3/20
  • 3/21: I rolled my ankle in experiment. 
  • 3/22: Nothing. 
  • 3/23: 

Ouch. Oops. Not really the beautiful headway I’d like to report. But I’m also not going to beat myself up about it. Yes, I’m going to do my best to self-correct before I veer too far off course but this is not an exercise in perfection. And if you can’t use a global pandemic as an excuse, then what?

With Love,
