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Writing is going strong! I’m hitting my goals — the scenes are a bit of a mess but at least there are words on the page. Who needs to spend time crafting metaphors when you can just describe your characters choppily exchanging glances and looking in different directions? Uffda & Onward!

Here are my last sentences written from this past week:

  • 6/2: Hey, Clarke, wait up!
  • 6/3: I wonder if Matt had told stories about it. 
  • 6/4: It had felt like magic that first year. 
  • 6/5: She passes the sharpie to me. 
  • 6/6: He is disappointingly still in sweatpants and slippers.  
  • 6/7: I don’t know what I expected — a shrine to all her medals, maybe — but not this. 
  • 6/8: How’s that for a trick?

With Love,