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I’ve been revisiting my running book this last week! I got to talk through the story after my friend Lin read my most recent draft and I’m making some timeline adjustments and working on the ever-infuriating first chapter. There’s a lot of pressure on the opening to engage people to keep reading right away. I think I’m getting closer . . .

My plan is to do one last read through with any outstanding feedback in mind and then . . . head back to the query trenches. I’ve already started on my research and mostly have the query package together (query letter, synopsis, those damn opening pages…). It’s always a long shot to query but I’m going to try.

It’s been nice to have another break from this manuscript so I could start working on a new project, but now I feel like I need to nudge it out the door before I fully immerse myself in another project.

Above all, I’m feeling grateful for my writer friends who keep me going and give me very good feedback.

With Love,
