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While I wait for a fresh round of feedback, I’m starting to think about my next project. I’d love to write another book this year and I’m pretty sure I’m going to pursue the idea I’ve been calling “Lake Murder Book”. It’s zero-scenes right now, mostly vibes. I’m thinking a 1970s, Door County inspired, sapphic love story . . . but with some murder. Like if the Dirty Dancing aesthetic met the USA show Eyewitness.

Vibes. I have no plot yet. I have started a new Scrivner file. And I spent some breaks at work today starting to write down some character thoughts and brainstorming what I would be excited to write in the book. (I made a rule for myself after my first manuscript, cat story, that I was only allowed to write a kidnapping every other project. It’s time again!).

Here’s my zero draft first line: “Leonie Ingram is a monster, and she kisses like one too.”

I’ll keep turning it over in my mind.

With Love,
