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I have a murder plot! Okay, the start of one. There was actual time spent brainstorming beyond the vibes and romance of my next story. My writing friends were very helpful in validating the direction and I have a ways to go, but at least I have a path forward. All said, I’m still a bit away from drafting. I need some more time figuring out the basic details of the murder plot and getting into my two main characters’ voices. I’m hoping I’ll be able to spend some time writing on my vacation coming up.

But it is exciting to be excited about a project while I wait on feedback on my running book and decide where to go next with that (more revision, querying, etc). I like working on character sketches and thinking about a new story during my downtime. It unfolds piece by piece. And then I’ll scrap a bunch of it and have to start over and again and again but that’s writing for you. Frustrating. Fun. Takes forever.

We’ll keep at it.

With Love,
