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Tuesday Writing Update! I popped in on Saturday to say that I had finished the Shitty First Draft/Trash Draft of my novel. The week leading up to my deadline was overwhelmed with writing as I found extra time whenever I could to bang out some word count. It was exhausting … and I loved it. Spending hours everyday writing felt right.

Now that Trash Draft is done, I’m letting it settle for a couple of weeks. I’m thinking about the rewrites already, but I want to come back to it with fresh eyes to reread and map out a purposeful plan of attack.

In the meantime, I don’t want to give up my habit of writing a little fiction every day. Recording the last sentences I wrote propelled me forward and insisted that I find time for writing. I started working on a short story and may play around with some fantasy while I take a mental break from the novel.

Here are the last sentences I wrote from this past week:

  • 5/7: You make friends by throwing a pizza party. 
  • 5/8: I lose consciousness before I get to find out. 
  • 5/9: Yeah, that makes more sense. 
  • 5/10: I will. 
  • 5/11: I crossed my legs and hunched my belly and prayed. 
  • 5/12: So I told her again and that I loved her and, at last, she left. 
  • 5/13: The next day she called me a witch and I stopped calling her my friend. 

With Love,


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