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A day late on my writing update, but I got my computer back today! Brand new screen and everything is scratch and smudge-free. I ended up being without my laptop Friday – most of Wednesday but Apple ended up fixing the screen for free (thank god for Apple Care) so I’ve been more grateful than annoyed.

All said, not having my computer and access to my story files did put a major snag in my planned writing progress. Instead of Sunday writing, I did Sunday reading, not a bad way to spend a weekend but I am excited to spend some quality time with Jack this coming weekend and finish up this draft over the next month.

Here are my sentences from this past week (plus a day):

  • 7/16: But I do. 
  • 7/17: I can’t hit people or I can’t stay. 
  • 7/18: Blinking rapidly to try to adjust to the dark. 
  • 7/19: That you, honey? 
  • 7/20: I slick down against the plastic sliding, out of breath.
  • 7/21: I’m cold.
  • 7/22: Come inside, kid.
  • 7/23: The butter burns. 

With Love,
