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I’m giving it the old college try. Really. I’m actually not completely confident in what the idiom means but I am trying to push this new book forward with more intention than before. I’ve used my new scary friend, The Most Dangerous Writing App, to continue to test out scene snippets and plot points. I’ve done about 7000 words with that method in the last week and a half. Again, bad and mostly unusable words but I’ve been reminded that the best for me to work out the plot and characters is just to write. Outlining needs to come later for me, the best way for me to figure a story out is to write it.

Part of me really loved drafting and revising last summer, so as we approach that season again I’m feeling hungry to be in that routine. To spend weekend days at the writing center. To take advantage of the longer days to write with more energy in the evenings. You think it would be the opposite — that all that wintertime stuck indoors would be more fitting to writing — but being outside more gets my brain moving. I’m more motivated to get things down on paper.

I thought I’d try to do my last sentences of the day again. I only have a couple to start with . . . but hopefully it’ll get me in the habit:

  • 5/21: Or good luck, because it finally got me into Lavender House. 
  • 5/23: “Where are you headed?” 
  • 5/24: Kelly rings her brass bell. 

With Love,
