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Trying for another Tuesday writing update. I haven’t written every day this week, but I have done some writing. I’ve accidentally pursued a story direction that involves me knowing something about 1950s (and older) cars which is ambitious given I don’t even know anything about modern cars. Everything was a Ford? You could try tapping with a hammer on the fuel pump to dislodge stuck components? Does that sound right?

But I’ve grown attached to the idea of my protagonist knowing something about them so I guess I’ll deal with the more rigorous motor vehicle fact-checking in the revision.

I did some writing with The Most Dangerous Writing App even though it always comes out choppy under the time pressure (your words disappear if you stop typing), but it’s a good way to test out scene ideas and see I like the direction. For example, I wrote two versions of the scene with the write-fast-or-die method and then took the one I liked best to rewrite and flesh out on my time. But it was easier to have something to work with first.

I’m going to a writing workshop at Write On this weekend, nothing to do with fiction, but I thought it would be a good exercise. It’s called “Healing Through Writing” . . . which is probably an alternative title of what this blog has been for me.

With Love,