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It’s been a while since I’ve given a writing update, so here it goes. All my plans for writing got derailed. My rough patch this summer through my creative brain off its axis and I wasn’t creating much at all — I certainly wasn’t figuring out the blockers in the story I had been starting to write.

So I’ve given myself full permission to write what I want at the moment. I haven’t been writing every day, but I’ve had a few writing sessions that felt good over the last few weeks. Playful and personal as I work on an old story idea that really feels just for me. That feels like I might not ever do anything with it — I might not even finish it — but I’m playing around with scenes and characters that have all the tropes and cliches that I love and it’s fun. It makes me want to work on it because it doesn’t feel like work.

The objective-seeking part of me hopes that this is an excellent way to keep one hand on writing while I find balance and motivation to go all in on it again. I always seem to write intensely in seasons and this is a good entry point. The other part of me doesn’t want to worry about any objective for a bit. I just want to make sure I have space to be creative — to make instead of consume. To have a story I’m excited to fall asleep thinking about.

I like having a story to fall asleep thinking about.

With Love,
