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Still quiet on the writing front though I have started playing with a new story. Or rather, an old car daydream story that I’m trying to pull out, dust off, and see if there’s anything of substance there. No long writing sessions yet, just playing around with some ideas.

Most of my writing energy is going towards my day job instead, producing blogs and website content and videos scripts. So I’m not worried about my writing muscle atrophying.

I’m also spending this week reading a few comp titles my friend (and brilliant editor/writer) Katie gave me after she read my manuscript. Currently I’m on Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson and have Monday’s Not Coming also by Tiffany D. Jackson and Orbiting Jupiter lined up.

In the meantime, here are my last sentences from this week:

  • 11/19: Like I gave him a compliment instead of a stab to his jugular. 
  • 11/20: “Be quiet,” he breathed. 
  • 11/21: But it’s not the smoke that has me crying.
  • 11/22: Ash fell like rain on his face, but he stayed cold.
  • 11/23: The skin had crusted over, but there it was.
  • 11/24: Jump, she pleaded. 
  • 11/25: Four corners, four directions, and I was still so lost. 

With Love,