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I’m reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic and swimming in all the gems of her creative wisdom. It’s one of those books that reminds me writing is a life long contract, no matters its successes or failures or attention or insignificance. You show up for the work because if you don’t work to create, your brain will find something else to do: like destroy your peace of mind.

Overall, it takes some of the pressure off. Yes, I want to have the courage to bring forth the treasures within me (her words) but I also just want to be a writer. I can commit to that. I don’t have to commit to being a great writer or a published writer or a writer who says anything particularly original or interesting. But I will be a writer who writes, who finishes things, who shows up for the job every day even when the muses do not.

I’m about 20K words into my rewrite and am feeling some energy to pick up my pace. Good is better than perfect. Done is better than good.

Here are my last sentences from this past week:

  • 6/18: Cora finishes her third helping.
  • 6/19: And then I think it and it is too late and I am crying.
  • 6/20: I’d rather have Mom, I said.
  • 6/21: Then I open it. 
  • 6/22: I don’t even know his middle name. 
  • 6/23: I go to my room and tuck them beneath the mattress. 
  • 6/24: It’s a close thing. 

With Love,
