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Blessedly, I am actually excited about a new writing project. After all this playing around in-between revision rounds of Jack’s story — which I do really enjoy working on still — I think I’ve got a real, workable idea. I’ve had characters and bits of plots only to keep trashing them in my head. And frankly, I just wasn’t that excited about any of them.

Talking with my friends on Sunday night though, a new idea clicked. Not fully fleshed out yet but a premise I can get behind that had my mind whizzing with characters and plot possibilities to near distraction all day yesterday. A promising start. I hope.

In my early imagination it will have some rivals-to-lovers, running, a bisexual main character, team-as-family and probably high stakes and trauma because I’m not sure if I know how to write slice-of-life contemporary without it. Her name is Reese, my protagonist. And yes, I did steal my D&D character’s name, but in the game, she’s a badass rogue assassin and that’s the kind of energy I want to channel into this high school cross country book.

Wow, I wish this book was already written because I just want to read this story. Before I start anxiety spiraling about not living up to my own imagination’s expectations, I’ll just start writing. Back to trash draft stage.

In the meantime, here are my last sentences from this past week — mostly Jack revisions:

  • 1/28: It was the truth whether he believed me or not.
  • 1/29: Did it matter so much?
  • 1/30: I tried to save her and she gave up.
  • 1/31: He was just less of himself.
  • 2/1: It didn’t match up.
  • 2/2: She’s flying.
  • 2/3: Everything about Zoe was light — she was like the wind for fuck’s sake — but with her lips on my scars she was heavy, weighted in my world for the first time in my memory.

With Love,
