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Finally, progress. After a couple of months of pretty lackluster editing, I’m happy to report that I have reentered writing mode. No more planning and outlining and fiddling, I’m moving through this third draft steadily, mostly thanks to some long dedicated hours this past Saturday that helped me find my footing.

Also, my last beta reader finished her read, was able to give me the praise I needed to feel energized again, and I spent part of Friday night talking out story problems via FaceTime with my friends.

In Pitch Wars news, I didn’t get selected (as I figured a few weeks ago), but I did hear from one team of mentors I submitted to that I was one of their runners-up. I didn’t realize how much I craved that ounce of validation but it was fucking nice and motivating. They offered to connect all their runners up (all authors of queer stories) to each other so we can share feedback and work on revisions. When we are query ready told us to reach out to them — the mentor team — for advice on finding an agent.

They wrote, “This isn’t just us offering to be nice. We’re doing it because we sincerely believe you could become our peer in this industry. ”

Like thank you? Writers are wonderful people.

I also got a shout from them on Twitter which I’ll copy verbatim because it makes me happy: “My favorite title: I TOOK THE CAT WITH ME by @uffda1nat. Jack moves to Texas after an unspeakable tragedy in his family. His estranged dad treats him like an untrained pet & the school football star won’t leave him alone (you know it’s that gay shit). The voice is so resonant.”

And in other Pitch Wars news, my friend & writer Lin (who has been my accountability partner through all of this) got selected for Pitch Wars for their queer middle-grade story! So deserved and more proof that I have some talented people in my life who continue to raise the bar for me.

Here are the last sentences I wrote from this past week:

  • 10/29: It’s never enough. 
  • 10/30: Again.
  • 10/31: He said it like I already was though — worth it. 
  • 11/1: He says it was for me and I want to believe him.
  • 11/2: You’re going to start seeing him every week. 
  • 11/3: Just another baseball warm-up.
  • 11/4: I don’t trust Mason to keep his mouth shut. 

With Love,

One Reply to “Writing Update: A Peck of News”

  1. Congratulations on the Pitch Wars feedback. I love that title too. So proud and happy for you!❤️

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