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Disappointing progress this week. But travel. And Spider-Man. It was a Herculean effort to calm my brain down enough to write about my running babies rather than obsessively consume fanfiction and tumblr posts like I’m nineteen again.

So . . . I’m going to try to catch up before the end of the year. I have about ten more chapters left to get through, some that need more revisions than others. I planned to spend time writing this evening but I got roped back into catching up on some work into the evening (holiday weeks have no right to be this busy). However, I decided to take an extra day off next week and extend my long week, with the main goal of building in some extra writing time.

However, some progress was still made! And that counts for something.

Will I try to revise a chapter before bed? Will I read more Spider-Man fanfiction?

Who knows.

With Love,
