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Writing is going well! I’m anxious to rewrite so much of it, but I have passed 30K wordcount of consecutive scenes since I started over at the end of April . . . approaching halfway through. In theory, I’m not great at understanding pacing but I feel like I need to write it until the end to figure that out. I am still in love with the Writing Center up here and spent nearly six hours there between Saturday and Sunday, It’ll be harder to get there with a string of summer visitors headed my way, but I’ll do my best.

The goal is to finish this draft (trash draft, zero draft) by July 31. We’ll see.

Here are the last sentences I wrote from this past week:

  • 6/9: It’s worth it. 
  • 6/10: Blindly, she reached to turn it off but ended up with a face full of hose water. 
  • 6/11: Red
  • 6/12: You’re asking me that?
  • 6/13: You’re sweating all over the cushions.
  • 6/14: Mr. Briar gives a small ‘oh’ in recognition before moving on. 
  • 6/15: I hope Coach sees the glare I send her way.

With Love,