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I visited the writing center for the first time today. Write On, Door County is a local nonprofit whose mission is to inspire people to write and share their stories. They host even and workshops, have a residency program, and generally offer support to writers. And their writing center is brand new, beautiful, and only ten minutes away from me.

They have a virtual tour of the building you can watch:

There’s plenty of space to write, have workshops or book clubs, and 39 acres of hiking trails. And it’s just . . . free and open to anyone. I went today and spent two hours writing in an armchair that looked out at the woods. For most of the time, besides the one staff member, it was just me. After I went out on their trail that had plenty of benches and signposts with poetry about nature found in the woods (from ferns to adder snakes to cardinals). I found a bench and spent an hour reading in the sun without seeing another soul. It was rejuvenating.

I am so excited to spend more time there in the future. I’ve been wanting to visit for a while, but frankly, I didn’t want to sit inside with a mask on to write for hours. In Austin I often went to the public library to write on the weekends — I think this will be my new spot.

With Love,
