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The first winter storm of the season. It snows through last night and into this evening. At noon, I brush a heavy layer of snow off my car, but a new layer has built up in the hours since. Nowhere to go, nowhere to be, so I make my home feel like home again after most of the week spent working away from home (no internet here this past week).

So I do laundry. I vacuum. I clean the bathrooms. I listen to an audiobook and set up my cable box (it came with the internet, not that I need it, but it was required and my total bill is still cut in half).

I make hot cocoa for the first time. In my life. Almond milk and cocoa power whisked and heated on the stove. Add chocolate chips and marshmallows. Who am I?

I feed the fire from midafternoon into the night. I write in front of it. I eat leftover pizza. I sink into the warmth you can only truly feel with a winter storm outside. My cats cuddle on my lap, at my side.

May every Sunday feel like this.

With Love,


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