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My drinking to excess has taken a noticeable (and healthy) downswing this year, but sometimes I plan for it. Times like last night, when I’m going to a Winona Ryder themed Halloween Party / Aerial Show.

My checklist before I took a Lyft from my apartment included a full water bottle and a bottle of Advil on my bedside table, with the lamplight on, and my computer nearby because I know my drunk brain well enough that it’s going to try to read fanfiction before accepting that reading is difficult when inebriated and it should just go to bed (my drunk brain did not disappoint).

The party was a lot of fun though, fairly low-key if you consider a background rig with trapeze setup and three aerial acts plus one belly dancer with a ground routine all dressed up as Winona Ryder characters. That was the first hour and then the house party opened up (with an Edward Scissorhands themed bathroom, a Stranger Things room/photo booth, and croquet in the backyard as a nod to The Heathers). The hostess’s friend was also giving tarot readings which I jumped at — for someone who doesn’t really buy-in to the woo-hoo I sure seize every chance to participate.

(If you’re curious we did a situation/action/outcome reading where my cards were the 4 of Swords, 9 of Swords, and Queen of Pentacles.)

Mostly though I talked to my friends, felt cool in my Eleven costume, and had a few cryptic on-theme mixed drinks that were sweet and strong.

All to say I was thankful for that water and Advil.

With Love,
