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I came across this image today and it was a good reminder to always check for understanding.

I’ve been learning more about Nonviolent Communication (NVC). Part of NVC is assuming that “we all share the same, basic human needs, and that all actions are a strategy to meet one or more of these needs. People who practice NVC have found greater authenticity in their communication, Increased understanding, deepening connection and conflict resolution.”

I read the book by Marshall B. Rosenberg last year and we’ve been doing some instructor-led training at work. This afternoon I was researching mediation techniques that were in line with NVC, and that’s where I came across this image.

Part of NVC is reflecting back on what we hear when people are expressing themselves. It’s listening, reflecting, and searching to understand their need before responding.

When I look at the image I also think about how I can more clearly articulate my own needs. Am I making clear requests to meet my needs? Am I checking that I am being understood?

I hope I can continue to learn and practice Nonviolent Communication (and I haven’t really broken it down in full here so I highly recommend the book) . . . one of my teammates and mentors said it has changed his life and the way he communicates at work and in his personal life and I can absolutely see it. But I need a lot more practice. Luckily being in HR gives you plenty of opportunities.

With Love,