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The world rocks overnight. Ruth Bader Ginsberg, a legacy, dies. The election is 44 days away. A supreme court seat that will shape our future for decades to come to lies open and in the hands of a Republican senate. We are torn, wanting to grieve and celebrate RBG’s life and monumental work that she has done for our country, but terrified at the reality we find ourselves in. It isn’t hyperbole to say that this is earth-shattering.

I wake up and run my ten miles as planned. I think about what to do. I search for a reality I don’t understand where we can fight this. Where people in my state and even my extended family care enough to fight this. I write letters in my head on what I could say to them to change their minds.

I watch AOC’s message from last night while I clean my home and cry through it. Wish I could vote her in come November. And that’s what I’ll leave her today. Find the time if you can to watch it. She gives me hope and resolve.

“What do we do?”

The short answer: vote. And then work the personal relationships in your life to make sure they vote too. We can do this.

With Love,
