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He tells me I am better at weathering it
I say my work ethic isn’t as strong
I’m not mad about it

He says that I am smart
To set my boundaries
To not let a grind of a week, a month
Maybe a quarter
Turn into a grind of a year

I catch myself before I go too far
(Or so I say)
I operate in seasons
I say, I have other things I want to do
Books to write, to read
TV to watch
Family to enjoy
Than to spend every evening
During the real work
After twelve meetings in a day

I don’t spend every evening like that
But I have, for a spell
(I do, tonight)
But I catch myself
Or – I weather it
As long as I can see the clouds thinning
As long as I can rest my ship
In the eye of the hurricane

With Love,
