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I’m in Madison tonight — a long day of work, last-minute organizing to get out the door, a haircut (finally), and making the three-and-a-half-hour trip to my brother and sister-in-law’s place. This is a quick way-stop; I’ll head to Des Moines in the morning.

It feels good to be the movement part of the journey. Some of my anxiety dissipates as I’ve had to focus on action in the last week: prep, travel, dealing with work issues (as always).

I listen to D&D podcasts on my drive and spend the last half hour listening to music from my ‘baby boy’ playlist. There are a lot of nostalgic, bolstering songs on there that I’ve listened to for half my life. And of course, If I Die Young, Pt 2.

For this next week, I hope to enjoy some warmer weather, play some D&D, finish up a few things at work, sleep a little better, and bask in the company of my friends. Simple joys to pass the time

With Love,