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“Wasting time” is a basic human need.”

-Devon Price, “Laziness Does Not Exist”

I “wasted” time today. No chores or errands or productivity. I played Breath of the Wild and ate leftover pizza and read fanfiction and read my new Spider-Man YA novel (Spider-Man’s Social Dilemma). I went for a walk mainly to have an excuse to listen the Batman Unburied podcast.

I had dinner with my mom and her two sisters, sharing a bottle of wine and eating my favorite enchiladas.

I didn’t go to the grocery store. I didn’t work on my writing. I didn’t work on my work and Lord knows I have plenty to do. I enjoyed the gray day mostly indoors and didn’t feel guilty about it. Because productivity doesn’t equal worth and finding time for play isn’t luxury, it’s necessity.

With Love,
