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My friend Jenna, who runs Mental Wealth & Wellness, hosted a virtual Vision Board making party this morning in preparation for 2020.

I’ve made vision boards before . . . or at least that’s what I consider my fridge right now . . . but after spending some time thinking about my 2020 goals yesterday (and choosing my word! . . . to be announced in the new year) this came at the perfect time.

I had intended to get up and go to Michael’s to get some fresh craft supplies before the 11 am webcast, but after reading fanfiction until ten minutes before the start time it was clear I was going to make do with what I already had in my apartment: a couple of fun patterned paper sheets I’d used last time I’d gotten crafty over the summer, a red, blue, and black marker, scissors, push pins, and my little square corkboard.

I lit a candle (a gift from my mother that reads “bloom where you are planted”), pulled up the webcast page, and plopped down on the living room floor with yesterday’s reflection notes in hand.

Jenna did a beautiful job, as always, giving a presentation about vision boards and goal setting while I putzed away, creating one that’s more words/goals that images of my future vision . . . but I don’t have a printer and I already have a fridge that’s pretty reflective of my long-term goals.

I finished partway into the hour and started writing out my ideal daily schedule to take into it and listing some everyday habits I wanted to continue into the new year. My friend Ashley and I are both using a new journal for the first quarter that includes big goals, habit tracking, daily rituals, and priorities so part of me was trying to get my thoughts in order for that to be ready to go on January 1.

By noon today, I had a fresh vision board hanging in my room, fully shaking off the laziness of the morning with the inspiration of a group of us virtually working on our vision boards while getting to listen to one of my best friends encourage and inspire us through the process.

I don’t really believe in resolutions, but I do believe in goals, visions, and setting intentions. You don’t have to wait until New Year’s to do this (you probably shouldn’t normally), but New Year’s is here so if you have the time in the next two days spend it reflecting and thinking about what you want in 2020. Write it down or create a vision board. Make it real. Then make it happen.

With Love,