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We did our first company virtual happy hour today! An experiment I was a bit nervous about (what if there are too many people, is this the kind of thing you have to facilitate, etc) plus I was a bit in the wrong mindset for it (I had a hard time focusing today but pushed through). But hey, I’d initiated this happy hour and I was going to show up, wine in hand.

And y’all it went really well. Immediately people pushed us to playing some free trivia games on Kahoot which are easy to play remotely when you share your screen, and around twelve of us laughed and played trivia about 2019 events, animal facts, and movie quotes.

Afterward, we just chatted. I thought it would be difficult with so many people on the call and at one point suggested in breaking into two groups but was quickly turned down. People liked it and were having fun — I think we were all craving this casual social time. Questions were asked about what books we were reading, who our favorite CareerPlug pets were, and what we were doing to stay busy. Sure there were some talking over each other that happened, but I think people just enjoyed the feeling of togetherness. I know I did.

Then people tried to teach me (aka made me stand up and try it) to “floss” and only being a glass and half into my red wine made me actually try.

It’s odd — for all the amount I’ve felt a little more isolated, I’m actually connecting with people more than ever right now. I’m glad the virtual happy hour worked; I definitely see more in the coming weeks (and more trivia! — something I’m very bad at but gives us something to do together).

Keep connecting!

With Love,
